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Knacktive学生通过与St .合作完成最新挑战. 约瑟夫非营利

Cheers 和 applause erupted again Friday evening in a Colden Hall classroom as a professional client announced the team of students who best met its needs during 和记棋牌娱乐’s annual Knacktive 课程.

Knacktive, interdisciplinary program that places advanced undergraduate students in an environment mimicking a digital media marketing agency, 今年春天与 St. 约瑟青年联盟, a non-profit organization that develops programs 和 provides services for children 和 youth as well as young adults.

The organization tasked Knacktive with creating an awareness campaign aimed at combatting underage drinking 和 e-cigarette usage among youth between the ages of 10 和 21, 特别是在布坎南县.

St. 约瑟青年联盟 Executive Director Robin Hammond (right) 和 Julie Wiedmer, 该组织的幼儿教育工作者, announced their evaluations of the presentations Knacktive teams delivered for them Friday. (图片来源:Lauren Adams/<a href='http://catalog.mbdui.net'>和记棋牌娱乐</a>)

St. 约瑟青年联盟 Executive Director Robin Hammond (right) 和 Julie Wiedmer, 该组织的幼儿教育工作者, announced their evaluations of the presentations Knacktive teams delivered for them Friday. (图片来源:Lauren Adams/和记棋牌娱乐)

敢承担 Knacktive团队的成员们听着St. 约瑟夫青年联盟宣布了他们的客户推销结果.

敢承担 Knacktive团队的成员们听着St. 约瑟夫青年联盟宣布了他们的客户推销结果.

最终,青年联盟领导人选定 敢承担 作为获胜的队伍. The team pitched a campaign with messaging focused on specific age groups as well as a redesigned website 和 an extensive social media campaign that included videos 和 spanned multiple platforms.

St. 约瑟青年联盟 Executive Director Robin Hammond praised the Knacktive teams for the time, thought 和 research they invested in not only the client’s requests but also in educating themselves about the topic of youth battling substance use. Youth Alliance leaders said they are likely to implement elements of each team’s campaign plans in their marketing.

“我从事这项工作已经27年了, 所以我知道这不容易, 和, 整体, 青年联盟本身是一个很难理解的概念,哈蒙德对Knacktive的学生说. “你没有从和记棋牌娱乐这里得到多少指导, 和 you all did a phenomenal job of really putting the pieces together 和 putting a well-rounded campaign together.”

米兰达·迈尔斯·杰克逊, an assistant professor of art 和 one of four Northwest faculty members serving as Knacktive instructors this spring, also commended the teams 和 noted Knacktive helps students develop the skills marketing agencies value when seeking employees. 整个学期, Knacktive students also have opportunities to hear directly from professionals in creative fields.

“他们不害怕尝试新事物,并依靠自己的直觉,迈尔斯·杰克逊谈到今年的Knacktive班时说. “Even if we were saying, ‘Hey, maybe try this,’ 和 they were like, ‘I think we can get away with it.’ That’s good because we want them to start trusting their instincts.”

布鲁克林贝利, 西点军校平面设计专业大三学生, 内布拉斯加州, applied for Knacktive with hopes of gaining profession-based experience 和 was hired as the 敢承担’ art director.

“Knacktive是一个了不起的项目,”贝利说. “我绝对觉得这是真实的. 你和你遇到的每个人都建立了这样的团队友情, 和 I always was curious about how most advertising teams worked together. Now that we went through the program, I definitely got insight into that.”

Bailey said the Knacktive experience translates knowledge she gained in previous 课程work to real-world applications.

“I feel like this was almost a step up into like what the dem和s are, 的时间线, 事情怎么能在几天内完成,贝利说。. 她说:“我觉得这是一种强加给我的压力. It was either you sink or you swim, 和 I definitely felt like we didn't sink. 和记棋牌娱乐真的游泳了. 那些漫长的夜晚是值得的.”

杰西Kilcoyne, 奥克格罗夫战略广告专业大三学生, 密苏里州, said he joined Knacktive to gain experience that could help him as a future media planner. He’ll acquire additional experience this summer during an internship with Bernstein-Rein, 一家位于堪萨斯城的广告公司.

“There is so much that you can’t even think of until you actually experience this,” he said. “I thought that this was going to be just a little experience with a teacher. 这比以前多了很多,我很高兴.”

Members of 敢承担 showed their "claws" after their team was announced as the winner of Knacktive's 2023 client pitch competition.

Members of 敢承担 showed their "claws" after their team was announced as the winner of Knacktive's 2023 client pitch competition.


Knacktive is an elective 课程 designed to replicate the creative dem和s 和 intense teamwork atmosphere of a technology-oriented, 专业营销传播机构. Students are selected for the experience 和 actively refine their creative abilities, collaborative skills 和 academic knowledge with the objective of improved competitiveness in the professional marketplace after graduation.

在整个课程中, 学生们经历了一个现实的, agency-like atmosphere as they work in teams on a comprehensive campaign plan for a real client with real issues to address. 相互竞争的团队进行研究, 分析数据, 制定策略, 预算, formulate tactics 和 ultimately make a formal presentation to the client.

Knacktive结合原则, 设计的策略和战术, marketing 和 public relations through a melting pot of majors from Northwest’s schools 和 departments of 传播与大众传媒语言、文学和写作美术及表演艺术业务; 和 “计算机科学与信息系统”. Interested students must apply for the 课程 和 selected students earn three hours of academic credit by successfully completing the 课程.

The inaugural Knacktive class in 2011 designed a comprehensive marketing campaign for Cincinnati-based LasikPlus愿景, 和 the winning team’s “Eyes Save Lives” campaign was spun off nationally within three months.

Subsequent Knacktive classes have tackled rebr和ing projects 和 marketing campaigns for 堪萨斯城联合车站的科学城; 福特的三个州 auto dealership in Maryville; Northwest’s 霍勒斯·曼实验学校; Hy-Vee的 市场格栅; Velociti公司.一家位于堪萨斯城的技术部署公司; 美国皇家, 玛丽维尔市香港旅游局; 诺达威县农民互助保险公司 以及爱荷华州的灵戈尔德县. Knacktive校友, 与此同时, have gone on to obtain jobs at some of the region’s top advertising 和 marketing agencies.

业务 owners interested in learning more about working with Knacktive should contact the Northwest Foundation at 660.562.1248. 要了解更多关于Knacktive的信息,请访问 www.knacktive.com.


Dr. 马克Hornickel



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